27 March 2013

Let's sit and have a cup of tea.

Hello. It's nice to see you again. Come on in and let's talk...

If we were meeting for tea today (or coffee or hot chocolate or even juice if you are so inclined) I would greet you at my front door.

I would usher you in from the cold and invite you into the warm kitchen. The table would look pretty with its spotty oilcloth and the kettle would be whistling on the Aga. We would laugh that due to my mothers love of polka dots, our kitchen looks like something out of a Cath Kidston book. If you were lucky there would be a plate of fresh cakes or biscuits on the side.

As we sat warming our hands round our mugs this is what I would probably tell you...

I would tell you that I am so fed up with winter. That I am longing for spring. That I have lost all faith in the British weather (not that I had much in the first place) and that the jumper drawer is looking less and less exciting. If you were from warmer climes I would listen avidly to your stories of sun streaked days and balmy weather. We would discuss Summer plans and I would tell you that I am heading off to France with the boy and his family which I am so excited about.

As we bit into the first cake I would tell you that I am so glad to be home. That I was feeling really under the weather at the end of last term and that what I really needed was my own bed. I would tell you how good it is to spend time with family and play many new board games with them. You would look over to the corner of the kitchen where some of our current favourites are stacked up. I would laugh as you pointed them out and explain that board games are a bit of a thing in this house. We would chat over Easter plans and family. I would mention that the relatives are descending on Friday and that it will prove to be an exhausting and hilarious time.

If we were together now I would tell you how much I am enjoying creating again. How I have lots of ideas in my head and can't wait to get them out into the open. I would tell you about my creative process how ideas form and how sometimes they come to fruition in unexpected ways. I would ask you about how you are inspired and what inspires you. I would tell you too that I am seeing a lot of good stuff on pinterest at the moment including a lovely new blog course by Julie Kirk.

I would tell you that I cannot get enough of weaving. That I am loving the repetitiveness of it, how tactile it is, the possibility of infinite number of patterns. I would laugh as I mentioned with a sheepish look that I have no idea what these scraps of material are going to become but that sometimes it is just good to create.

The cat would come into the kitchen and curl herself around our legs. I would get up and put the kettle back on in anticipation for another cup. If we were there now I would tell you excitedly about my new toy- my graphics tablet- that arrived the other day. You would look quizzically and I would explain that it is like having a pen and paper attached to your computer. You can draw on photos, documents, photoshop. I would tell you that I am having so much fun using it and playing around and can't wait to play with it on project life this week.

As the cake turned to crumbs and the clock chimed, our thoughts would go the coming week. I would tell you that the boy is coming over for the day and we are going to follow Paul Hollywoods recipe with Mum to make some hot cross buns. I would tell you that there is going to be a lot baking going on in this house in time for the Easter weekend. I would also mention with a sad note in my voice that I am in the middle of revision but it is made easier by the fact that I am revising at the same time as my little brother. Nothing like sibling rivalry to get us sitting down and working.

I would be sad to see you go as we walked to the front door. I would encourage you to wrap up warm and we would hug and laugh out loud at the power of blog friendships.
I would love to sit down and do life with you.

If you were with me now, what would you tell me?

If you would like to write a "tea" post please add it to the linky at the bottom so we can all sit and share with you! The linky will be open for a week so you have plenty of time. 


JO SOWERBY said...

I would wave goodbye knowing I would see you very soon. I would wish a blessed Easter and pray you don't eat too much chocolate. I would plan to visit you again very soon to admire more weaving and hear your French travels
Love Jo xxx

Sian said...

TSO has just made me a lovely salad for my lunch, so I might say come on over and share! I agree the jumper drawer is starting to look less interesting: a few new t shirts would go down well I think

alexa said...

What a lovely post, Abi :). Home is clearly a warm and nurturing place to be ... And sharing your excitment at the graphics tablet. Mine is lurking behind my desktop under a layer of dust - yikes!

scrappyjacky said...

I;m fed up with the jumper drawer as well....how I'm longing for Spring.Your home sounds so lovely....and so glad you some time to be creative.

Fay aka Beautifullily said...

I would feel very at home in a kitchen that looks like its straight out of a Cath Kidston book! I would tell you that I can't wait to feel the sun on my feet and that I'm looking forward to seeing my family at the weekend.

I hope you get some downtime over the holidays and enjoy those hot cross buns, they look delicious x

Daphne said...

Thanks Abi for having us! I have invited you back! ;)

Amy said...

Abi, I would want to talk about photography and PL and how you are making your own bits and pieces for PL. I would also tell you that constant hot weather is as draining as the cold .... I would ooh and ahh over a trip to France!

Happy Easter, your plans sound wonderful.

Maria Ontiveros said...

I would talk about how I am doing lots of photography but want to do other creative activity as well. I would tell you that our summer plans will mostly be about seeing the boy off to University and helping the girl with summer school.
I linked up with a chatty post involving vodka not tea!

This West London Life said...

You've painted such a homely picture! I'd want to talk about PL, photography and Durham.

Sinead said...

I love this post Abi! Your Cath Kidston themed kitchen sounds like my (and my Mum's) idea of heaven! I love hearing about all your crafty endeavours and am excited by your graphics tablet - the effect of writing on photos is so lovely, and I bet it'll come in really useful for Project Life especially. Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my post - I'm so glad I joined in! Thank you also for your lovely email - a new message should be coming your way later today :D xx

Alison said...

I like the sound of the graphics tablet ....I would tell you all about my weekend in London, but how I was glad to get back to some heat!
Alison xx

Matt_Zipfel said...

How is the Wacom tablet? Did you get the "pen and touch" or just the pen? I'm thinking about it - ps which size did you get?