4 December 2013

5 things at midnight-student edition

The lovely Sian, of storytelling fame, has recently posted ideas for a five things post. The title of this is entirely taken from her! 

So here are my five things that happen at midnight. ( The original title was five things to think about at midnight but as you will soon see, less thinking and more doing happens at that hour in our little house!) 

Midnight. It's that funny hour that seems shorter than all the rest. Somehow midnight runs into one 'o' clock with indecent speed so that before you know it, a reasonable time to turn the light out has become a speedy hour, of blog reading, commenting and posting and then, here we are in the wee small hours. 

Midnight. The hour of every opportunity. I leave all my jobs till midnight. I justify this with saying that I do work in the day and everything else in the evening. Folding laundry, washing the mugs, reading blogs, working on Project Life. I am productive at midnight I tell you! 

Midnight. The hour of long chats. Midnight means the third cup of tea and the phrase "I should probably head to bed now but oh well..." Midnight means sitting in the lounge, under the quilt with a hot water bottle not wanting to move after a good film. 

Midnight. The time for "landing" conversations. The "I've just gone to brush my teeth but i'm still standing outside the bathroom talking" time. For some reason, at midnight, the best conversations happen on the stairs while one person brushes their teeth. 

Midnight. 12.04. The hour I am writing this. What we think of in our dear little house as an early night.  


Mel said...

The magic hour indeed! Now I am a mumma my bedtime is about 11 but I used to be a real night owl!

Amy said...

You know, I don't see that time of the day all that often any more - but, you know, it is so true. Midnight to one goes so quickly!

debs14 said...

It is unusual for me to be awake at midnight during the week - it's strictly for weekends now!
These are the moments you will look back on with fond memories when you have left uni.

Karen said...

Seeing midnight is a rare event here, but I remember it well when I was a student!

Sandra said...

There is something magical about being up at midnight .... Very grown up lol

This West London Life said...

I had a long conversation with my mum on the landing just last Friday night! We were supposed to be going to bed, but somehow talked and talked until past the witching hour.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I remember those days of landing conversations, in student housing, very fondly. I'm a night owl and see the witching hour most nights.

alexa said...

Well, I am in awe of your energy and ability to do things at that time. I cease to function after eleven ... Though ask me to be up at six and I don't have a problem :). You've written this so beautifully.

Barbara Eads said...

Midnight can only be considered an early night depending on what time you get up!! If you "sleep in" until 7 or 8 that's about right. But if you get up at 5 or 6, then it's rather late. But wait, I forgot you are a "youngster" that doesn't need all that sleep yet!! Keep enjoying this magical time with your friends.

Maria Ontiveros said...

I find midnight a time of calm, after everyone else is in bed; but I remember when it was a time of activity and giggles.

Sian said...

..and now I'm laughing at myself because I can totally feel myself going into parent mode and shouting - get some sleep!! when actually what I want to do is remember what good fun we had staying up to midnight and beyond all those year ago. A post to put a smile on anyone's face :)

Miriam said...

I love that time of night these days. I love the quiet time I find it a good time to blog or play with Photoshop or catch up with various memes xxxxx. Enjoy these precious days.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

So funny, as I was thinking the same thing as Sian! Get some sleep! I tell my daughter that all the time. It's fun to read what goes on in your house around midnight, Abi - I'm long asleep by then!

Lou said...

Now the boys are getting older I find my bedtime getting later and later...so i get some quiet time after they've gone to bed! I prefer an early morning to a late night though. A great read which shows how much you are enjoying your time x

Sinead said...

I love love love this Abi! Brings back lots of memories from my time in a student house not all that long ago - I miss those late night conversations! These days I try to get to bed before it gets TOO late, but now that my sister is home from uni, I have to admit it's getting later and later! Getting into holiday mode...now to get over the nativity at school next week! Can't wait to tell you all about it :D