4 June 2014

Around here...

The room was still, just the sound of pens on paper, the clock ticking, my feet tapping against the chair. 
He looked up at the clock. We all followed his gaze. The second hand moved slowly,  inching towards the hour. He took a breath and then...

"The time is, up, pens down please." 
Those magic words. freedom. the start of summer. 

We all looked around at each other grinning, stretching, trying to keep quiet as they collected the papers in. 

"you're free to go!", the babble of talk, of question analysis (why do people insist on doing this?) the giggles. We opened the doors, glorying in no work for a few months, excited by summer...and were met by, you guessed it, rain. How perfectly British. 

I'm excited to be back friends. Thank you for your words of encouragement over the last few weeks. The break has been good for me, but oh have I missed this little space of mine! 


jjj said...

Well done, Abi! I hope you're relaxing and enjoying yourself now. So glad that you're free from exams too! Can't wait to see you soon - we shall have to start planning some exciting things for summer. Much love xoxoxo

Maria Ontiveros said...

I can't wait until my kids are done!!!

ally said...

Well done abi

debs14 said...

And relax ... Enjoy your summer!

Kirsty.A said...

Hope you have happy holidays m whatever the weather

Kirsty.A said...

Hope you have happy holidays m whatever the weather

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Yay for exam season being over and boo to the rain!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh this post makes me all kinds of happy for you, Abi! I can just feel the relief and joy in your words. Happy summertime, sweet girl! I'm excited to see what summer holds for you this year.

Enjoy!!! xo

Lynn said...

Glad its all over for another year! Go and have some summer fun.

alexa said...

Hurrah for surviving! Wishing you lots of happy sunny days :).

Ruth said...

Hi, I'm *waving*!

Miriam said...

...and I missed you. Well done for 'getting there' and heres to a wonderful summer for you.

Missus Wookie said...

Beautifully captured, I remember those times. Glad you have the summer to relax. Princess has her final exams tomorrow :)

scrappyjacky said...

After all your hard work....enjoy the summer.

Sinead said...

The best feeling ever! Massive congrats on being finished all those exams at last Abi, and hope you've been enjoying freedom so far :) Looking forward to catching up on Skype next week xxx

Lea Lacoste said...

summer break is the best, hope you'll get some sun soon, it just came back in Paris!

Susanne said...

Perfect shoes for a summer break - wink! Welcome back to blogging.

Sian said...

Hooray! I'm probably a bit late to say - let the celebrating begin..

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the summer!