5 August 2014

me on monday or tuesday as it were

 This weekend was a granny moving (not her you understand, just her sofa), pinterest looking, quilt finishing, cookie baking sort of a weekend. Throw into that lots of sleeping after a busy week which involved National Trust volunteering and starting a new job. Just a few evenings a week, helping out a mum and her two little ones. Just my cup of tea.
Many reasons therefore to be a joy jumper this week. Lots to look forward to, a new job to get the hang of and a holiday on the horizon. Hooray for August!

What did your weekend look like?

Thank you Sian for inspiring such a lovely weekly meme. 


Sandra said...

Looks like you're ready to take on the world

Sian said...

Hooray for a new job! It sounds like this is going to be a good week :)

scrappyjacky said...

An exciting month ahead.

scrappyjacky said...
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Beverly said...

Love the joy jumping :) I had a furniture shopping, visiting sister, celebrating friends' 50th anniversary kind of weekend.

alexa said...

It has made me smile and feel happy just looking at your joyful energy! Hoping it all goes well with the Mum and little ones. I am sure you will be loved :).

This West London Life said...

What wonderfully happy photos ~ your August is going to be amazing!!