2 September 2014

Harvest time

Last weekend I headed to the boys family farm. 
It is a magical place to start with but at harvest it comes alive. 
Silence is replaced by the hum of the distant Combine and the rumble of the tractor up the lanes. 

Normally we skirt around the edges of the fields, avoiding the growing crop, but once the field has been harvested, we walked right across the stubble, getting an entirely different view. 

We headed out to follow the Combine right after supper one evening. The light was dimming and it truly was the most beautiful and peaceful sight to stand there in the midst of it all. 

I always love coming back to the farm. It holds a piece of the boys heart and it is easy to see why. 
We were walking across the fields one day and I looked over to the woodland. 
"Imagine growing up here" I said, "what a childhood!" 
"Yes, it was rather nice" he replied. 

His happy place is slowly becoming mine too. 
"Harvest time" he said, "what a sight!" 


Maggie said...

I love the photo of the ear of corn in your hand. A clever idea.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Beautiful photos in this post, Abi. I love when you publish posts about the boy's farm!

alexa said...

The fifth and seventh photos are my favourites in this lovely, gentle post - magical ... Thank-you for the chance to share a little bit of it. Your camera skills are splendid.

Karen said...

Gorgeous photos, Abi! I grew up in farm country and remember harvest time well, although we were "townies."

Ruth said...

Ah, the classic understatement, "rather nice"! Lucky you. And him.

Haddock said...

It must be a thrill to reap what you sow.
Nice happy happy pictures :-)

Miriam said...

Wonderful post Abi. Love love love the last picture.

Lizzie said...

I love how you find the happy side of things. And how you and The Boy enjoy being together at the farm.
The last photo is the best!