6 October 2014

Me on Monday

Hello Monday

Today I am back to my favourite seat in the library. Right by the window in the history section, trying hard to work but feeling distracted!

This weekend was a train travelling, new room finding, unloading, unpacking, sorting out sort of weekend. It was an old friend meeting, socialising sort of a weekend too.
I am starting to settle back into this final year of uni. getting used to lectures again, walks in the cold, putting on an extra jumper and motivating myself to do my work.
Bring on year three!

What has this weekend brought you.

I'm linking up with Sian today for her fun meme, 'me on monday.'


debs14 said...

How nice that your favourite seat was waiting for you - I think you will spend a lot of time there in the next few months. Can you believe that the end is in sight? It only seems like yesterday that we were all wishing you good luck for Freshers week!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I echo what Debs says. How can your time at Uni be almost over?! Enjoy x

Sian said...

I bet that would be my favourite seat too. Right by the History section..

Have a wonderful year!

scrappyjacky said...

Good luck for your year,Abi.

This West London Life said...

I'd be in the History section as well! Are you back in Halls this year? Wishing you a wonderful final year!

alexa said...

You are looking very bright-eyed and bushy-tailed from here :). Hoping your new room in Halls will be warm and cosy this year, and that the distractions won't be to great!

Lea Lacoste said...

enjoy that final year, everything seem to be passing on so crazy quickly. and yay to cozy sweaters, i need more now that it's getting cold!

Missus Wookie said...

Library, history section and a window? Sounds like bliss, especially with the meeting up with friends and a cozy jumper. Hope this last year goes well.

Jo.C said...

Enjoy this last year. Who knows maybe we can get the chance to meet up one day seeing as though I am not that far away. Thank you for the lovely quilt square. The colours are perfect and I love the design.
Great photo :0)

Susanne said...

I hope its a good year, and I'm smiling that you are in the library.

Anonymous said...

Good luck this year Abi.