2 January 2014

What to expect from the blog in 2014

And just like that 2013 is out the door!

I like what the new year can hold though. I like that I have an excuse to think big and plan. 
I am excited to try out and share some new crafts and develop this little slice of the web. 

I am very conscious that the end of last term was dominated by pressure. Pressure to finish PL pages, write blog posts and keep up work wise. Pressure I on the whole put on myself. I am determined to relax a bit more this term. A bit more pre scheduling over here, a bit more cutting some slack and perhaps a slower pace! 

So, in the spirit of planning and thinking and all that resolution jazz, here is where I hope the blog will be going in the coming year and what you can expect...

The Old Timers:
I like monthly memes. They provide structure in my blogging schedule and provide pin points to work around. 
This year I will be carrying on "time for tea" as I love sharing my heart with you each month. If there is still interest I will open up the linky so you can join in too. 
I am also wondering out loud whether Alexa will continue with "simply a moment" because if so I will be joining in. 
I'm sure new memes (or "new to me" memes) will pop up as the year progresses too so I am keeping the options open!

What with "time for tea" I think there has been a lot of sharing on this old blog in 2013. I really value honesty and keeping it real and I'm still keen to share my thoughts and (some) of my heart in this little space.

The going's on:
Each year the balance of the blog shifts. Whilst I shared a lot of thoughts on the blog last year there was less of the, "what is actually going on". I like the idea of sharing some around here posts again and some everyday photos. I also want to get into the habit of recapping events or even just an ordinary weekend. Some of you lovely ladies do this very well and I'm keen to learn! 

lists and goals and projects and reviews. I love a good list and Sian's posts about "five things" could be a great bouncing point this year.

I have already discussed that I am going to share my PL pages every other week. I am also excited to share new adventures into crafts (weaving anyone?) as well as a spattering of tutorials and maybe a few more videos particularly featuring photoshop.

Exciting times are ahead! Do you know where you want to head with blogging this year? Are you still interested in link up for "time for tea"? 


Maria Ontiveros said...

I'm so glad to hear that you'll be continuing with Time for Tea. I haven't thought yet about my blog plans. I'm letting that question simmer for a while. I think I'll know the answer if I don't force it.

Kirsty.A said...

I didn't really get on board with TFT last year, although I loved reading them. I'd like to join in this year if you decide to continue

Niina - My Paper Chaos said...

Sounds exciting! I'm thinking about some new ideas for my blog for the new year as well! Happy 2014!

Sinead said...

Happy new year Miss Abi! Hope you had a lovely time at the farm :D I'm hoping to do a few more regular blog posts in 2014 and I'd definitely be interested in joining in with Time for Tea if you continue it (please do!). It sounds like there are exciting times ahead for your blog this year, looking forward to following along.
P.S. Skype date soon for definite! Let me know when would be a good time for you :D

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Happy New Year Abi. I only joined in with TFT once last year, but hope to again this year. I like reading those newsy posts on other blogs and yours of course. I also have a plan for a monthly meme, more on that soon.

ally said...

Happy new year Abi. I love TFT posts and happy to join in :-)
I'm also starting PL this year too.

Sandra said...

I don't want to make too many plans or set things in stone. This year I'm much more, go with the flow.

I'm really looking forward to seeing your new crafting projects

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Sounds like some great plans for blogging this year, Abi. I also feel that having a little structure around what I blog helps keep me on track. I do love reading your tea time posts though I haven't always taken the time to participate myself. And of course, I always love seeing what kinds of things you're creating!

Prairie Jill said...

Happy New Year! Your blog plans sound wonderful - I look forward to reading your posts. And I'd love to see the Time for Tea linky continued. I've really enjoyed "meeting" new friends all around the world over tea.

Nathalie said...

I have not set goals, scrap or blog related for 2014 but your plans make me think I should! I will be checking what you have in store for this space :) Happy New Year!

Cate Brickell said...

I'm so glad you're keeping Time for Tea - I'd already added it to my blog planner for the year! Hopefully that keeps me on track!

I'm still pondering my ideas for this year, some things I'll keep doing, some things I'll throw out the window, but first I need to get out of the house more, so I have something to post about!

stephanie howell said...

DOWN WITH CREATIVE PRESSURE! It's the worst, isn't it? Hope your 2014 is beautiful. xoxo

Sian said...

Happy New Year Abi! Hope it has lots of everything you love.

TFT is great - I'll be looking out for it. Such a good way to catch up with everyone's news

scrappyjacky said...

Abi I loved your 'one photo,20 words'....are you going to continue with that?

Abi said...

Gosh, you reminded me of that Jacky! Yes, I loved that little meme, I am keen to carry it on! Thanks for the reminder!

This West London Life said...

I'm in for TFT, please!
Happy New Year!
And so cool that Stephanie Howell left you a comment.

Beverly said...

Yes, ma'am I will be happy to welcome friends in for tea! In the fall I had some brilliant meme ideas lol now I just need to remember what they were @@

Susanne said...

I'll be ready for tea each and every month if you are. I look forward to sharing some of the plain old everyday life in those posts.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Abi. Your plans for your blog this year sound great. I didn't participate in time for tea last year but I certainly enjoyed reading them so I'm happy you're going to continue them.