27 July 2014

Let's sit and have a cup of tea.

Hello, come on in.
Isn't the weather glorious, shall we take our tea outside?

If you were meeting me today I would usher you to our big weathered wooden table. The tea pot would already be placed along it along with the mugs and a whole selection of cakes and puddings.

Your eyes would light up at the sight of the sweet treats. I would explain that we had a family party yesterday, hence the mountain of food left and the slightly weary expression on my face! Mum is a fantastic cook and a big fan of Mary Berry. She whipped up this pudding in no time and it went down a treat. I'm sorry there isn't any left for you to sample but I can promise you it was fab!

Speaking of Mary Berry, I have heard on the Facebook grapevine that the new series is starting in August. Are you a fan I would ask? I'm not really too keen on reality tv but the bake off is quite gentle and the cakes always look very scrummy.

I would pour your mug of tea and we would sit back and look around the garden. It is a beautiful place. full of roses and lavender and a crazy climbing passionflower. As usual, tea in hand, leaning closer, the topic would get onto craft and scrapbooking. I would, with a smile, thank you for your sweet comments on my last post. The support from blog friends still astounds me. I am also amazed at the opportunities that have come my way through blogging. What a magical place the internet is sometimes. You would probably ask me how I found paper scrapbooking and I think I would have to take a bite  of cake before I answered. It was so much fun. More fun than I expected. I loved working from a kit because it got rid of all that decision making!
Leaning in further and said in a very quiet voice I would confide to you that I would like to slowly get back into it. Not in a big way, you must understand. Just as something for the holidays, a few pages made with special photos. We'll see though.

Look at me, wittering on to you. Tell me what projects you have been working on. Can I offer you a top up? Another slice of something whilst you tell me?
What are your summer plans?
We had a lovely day out in London last week. the weather was scorching. We wandered to the Tate modern and looked at the Matisse cut outs which are well worth a visit if you are in the city. We then headed to the imperial war museum. It was very very busy but interesting. We had great fun in the shop looking at some first and second world war posters. Isn't this one fantastic?

If I was having tea with you now the time would run away from us as we chatted over this and that, about family, friends and plans. I would tell you how the boy and I sat down the other day and started the conversation about teacher training. The process is a long one and although the application doesn't open until November, a form, a personal statement, references and a choice about where to go has to be made. Thankfully the summer is long and there is time. It's a very funny thought though that there is just one year left of my degree. How time flies!

We would look down at our plates, crumbs scattered about and dregs in the cup. I think you would probably laugh and I would comment that really nothing beats tea and cake and a catch up with a good friend. I hope you would agree.

We would rise slowly and walk to the garden gate, stopping every few feet as another topic of conversation begins. Reaching the gravel drive I would hug you tightly and ask you to come again next month.
I can't wait.

If you were having tea with me today, what would you tell me?

If you would like to write a "tea" post please add it to the linky at the bottom so we can all sit and share with you! The linky will be open for a week so you have plenty of time! 


Susanne said...

Lovely talk over tea. I am not familiar with Mary Berry, and given that I am supposed to be losing weight I best not make her acquaintance. Sounds like you had some lovely family gatherings and outings too. Bye for a bit.

scrappyjacky said...

The pudding looks so scrummy [and calorific] that it's probably a good thing there's none left.
It's good to hear you want to do a bit more paper scrapping.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Such a lovely catch up Abi. And so very relaxing. Good luck with your plans for the future. Clara is still two years away from University (one year away from applying) but has already begun the whole planning process.

This West London Life said...

I do love popping round for tea with you every month! Your mum's pudding looks incredible and your sneak peeks of your scrapbook pages make me want to see more. You know that I hope you will return to paper scrapbooking one day ...

Miss Smith said...

I am really looking forward to seeing your paper pages :D I LOVE your digital PL pages but I am so interested to see your paper pages too; I know they'll be brilliant. And I hope bake off is back because, while I too am not a reality TV fan, the bake off always seems so warm-hearted.

Good luck with the teacher application process. I remember starting that process and it can seem like a lot to fit in on top of uni work. But it's absolutely worth it.

Thanks once again for another lovely round of tea. And do let me know when you're next in London!

ally said...

Hi there again, I can't wait for the new series of GBBO. So excited. Thanks for the tea. Have a great summer

Mel said...

That pudding certainly looks delish - I can see why none was left over!

Sandra said...

What an enjoyable visit I've had with you. Oh yes I will say I'm so looking forward to the bake off. You do know, I'd keep bringing the conversation back to your scrapbooking :)

Prairie Jill said...

Oh yes, tea, cake, and catching up with a friend - perfect! It was so exciting to hear you talking about your Cocoa Daisy project and all your other adventures. What a wonderful summer! Can't wait to see you again next month.

debs14 said...

I would definitely be trying to steer you towards trying to do your PGCE in my area! We are a part of the Catalyst Teaching Schools programme and we always have a batch of PGCE students in each term. I'd love to see your face turn up in the staff room!
I have that Mary Berry book and have often looked at the meringue recipe - your Mum's version looks amazing and every bit as good as Mary's.

Karen said...

A lovely post, a great catch-up, and a scrumptious dessert! I've never heard of Mary Berry, and I'm quite afraid of getting addicted to cooking shows!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Exciting times ahead for you and The Boy. That pudding does look delicious.

Beverly said...

Application time will be here before you know it and you'll be glad you mulled it over in the leisure of summer. The name Mary Berry hasn't made it to my part of the world but I am loving the look of that dessert! I hope to do some paper scrapbooking very soon, makes one feel guilty when the grown sons ask "when was the last time you scrapbooked something for our family?" Seems I only do it for others these days. Do stop by tomorrow for a chat with me :)

alexa said...

Creativity clearly runs in your family, Abi! My DD has been telling me about the great British Bake-Off, so I will make an effort to see it regularly this time - though as I eat very little in the way of grain, it's mostly about things I don't eat! I am looking forward to seeing how you enjoy paper scrapbooking (again?), and how it develops for you. And, of course, to meeting you at the Bloggers' Weekend, where I hope we'll have loads of cups of tea!

Jane said...

I've been wanting to make that pudding, it looks delicious x

Julia said...

How funny. I just pulled Mary's baking book out the cupboard today to bake this weekend - I nice lemon drizzle I think! Your Mum has done a fab job with that dessert. Lovely to read all your news and that you are keen to keep paper scrapping :) Good luck with the teacher training investigations and your final year. Off to set my box to record the Bake Off!