9 July 2014

one photo & twenty words

An adventure into water colour. I had grand hopes. Why does pinterest make things look easy? Results aren't blog worthy!

My challenge for you today. Find one photo and choose up to twenty words to tell its story. Jot it down and link back here. The link will stay open for a week so you have plenty of time to join in! 


Sian said...

Knowing you, I suspect you'll have something blogworthy very soon if you keep at it :)

Sandra said...

Oh I'm sure it won't be long before were blown away by your new passion

Lea Lacoste said...

Ah i tried watercolor a while ago too, i'm quite bad at it so know you are not alone!

Sheena said...

Pinterest has a lot to answer for!!
I'm sure watercolour is like most hobbies & needs time & practise xxx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Don't give up Abi, you probably just need a little more practise.

scrappyjacky said...

I know just what you mean!!! But I'm sure a little practise will bring great results.

Nathalie said...

The result might not be worth blogging for now but your photo is gorgeous!!! I just did make a scrapbook title with watercolor, it is not Pinterest worthy but if I let go of perfectionism, it is quite ok ;)

debs14 said...

I cheated a bit this month and used a collage!
Love the sentiment with your photo, so very true!

Beverly said...

I took a watercolor class last summer and loved it. I am sure you'll be happy with your results soon, lovely photo :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you get to grips with the watercolour painting soon and are happy with your efforts.

I know what you mean about Pinterest though, that's how I felt last month about my dress making.

Miss Smith said...

I know exactly what you mean about Pinterest :D But given have fabulously your hand lettering projects are coming out, I can't help but think your watercolours will be heading in that direction too.

Hand lettering is so much fun, and sooo fiddly. I really admire you trying out new things, it's very inspiring.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Haha - this made me laugh, Abi. I felt the same way when I started using watercolors. Clearly, it takes a LOT of practice and is not as easy as the seasoned artists make it look!

Barbara Eads said...

I know what you mean about Pinterest. The same is true about recipes. The tag lines will brag about something being the best--only to find that after you make it, it's not all that great!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Water colors do take time, but they have become my go-to colorant lately. Don't give up too early.
My post for this meme will be going live in a few hours.

alexa said...

Your words made me smile in sympathy - the gap between desire and reality is bigger at the start. But I do hope you can persevere. I am sure you are capable of lovely things!

Jane said...

keep on trying, I'm sure it will be worth it.

This West London Life said...

I have no doubt that you be excelling very soon!

KraftyKaren said...

Practise makes perfect and you could be like me and share your Pinterest fails as part of Fiona's SIPIDI !!

Lou said...

Pinterest has a way of making projects look so easy. I have tried and failed a few. I am sure you'll be an expert soon enough x

Karen said...

Oh my, I so relate to this! I've been experimenting with doodling, sketching, and watercolor. It's going to be some time before I'm satisfied with any of my efforts!

Sinead said...

I bet you're just being too modest Abi!! I've never tried watercolour - I love all the new crafts you're experimenting with this summer :D xx

Lesley G said...

Now we all want to see it!

Alison said...

I'll bet it was better than anything I could come up with
Alison xx

OSr Group said...

Looks Beautiful.
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