23 January 2015

A tale of one city and two people

I have been gearing up for this post for a while. The end of last year was a bit of a whirlwind and I wanted to put into words properly what it was like. But this is my story and it is the boys too and I wanted to do it justice. 

This is really the second post of a two part story. Part one can be found here.
I'm pretty sure that there will be a part three too, and in time maybe a four and five.

You see, this is the second part of the story the boy and I are weaving as we negotiate what it is to fall in love, then move to different cities and then work out what will happen next.

I left part one with an expectation that long distance for us is a season. Not one we necessarily choose but one we choose to meet with grace.

Well, we entered my third year of university and his first year of work. We had both been talking about applying for teacher training courses and were dipping our toes in the application process when I left for Durham in October. At that stage we had thrown out the hope that we would end up in the same place to train.

The process for teacher training is long winded. You can choose up to three places to apply for then there is an online application and then interviews. Coupled with this were the 'windows' in which a reply could be made. For instance if one of us was offered a place we had just ten days to respond with either yes or no.

We therefore got to November with a lot of questions. For me there were a lot of 'what ifs.' What if the boy gets into Durham and I don't? What if I have to reply to a university before he has found out if he is accepted there? What if this crazy plan of trying to end up in the same place, falls through?
While I sat to puzzling over unanswered and unanswerable questions, the boy set to calming me down.

In many ways, after much talking, I started to feel a certain sense of peace about the process. If we ended up in the same place, it would be a joy. If we didn't, nothing would change from our current situation.

At the end of November the boy found out he had an interview at Durham and shortly after that they would be offering him a place. We were over the moon.
At the end of November I was a stage behind in the process and was not so patiently waiting for responses. I am not patient at all. This stage was hard.
I finally got offered an interview and it too was hard. Much harder than I expected and I came out despondent.

Again there was a period of waiting. All the while the clock was ticking on the boys application. He had ten days to respond to Durham not knowing whether I had got in or not but knowing both of us had got into our second choice.
Thankfully he has more patience than me and he waited. He waited on his application and he waited for me.

It was a Friday that I found out. I had been checking my emails all week and after no news was feeling flat.
That afternoon I walked up the hill overlooking the city. The sun was setting and there was a bite in the air.
I sat on that hill and just prayed.

That evening I checked my emails one last time. There it was. An offer. Nothing dramatic. Just an email.

But that email changed everything. That email set a date I could count down to. That email meant that after four years the boy and I would be in the same city. That email meant I could stay in my favourite city. That email meant I could train to be a teacher.

I phoned him as soon as I found out. He knew as soon as he picked up the phone. The boy is not overly demonstrative but on this occasion he had to leave the building he was in so he could yell with joy.

Our part one is, God willing, coming to an end. I entered 2015 knowing that huge change was coming but never feeling happier about it. Our part two marks the transition. I'm fairly certain part three will be challenging and funny and wonderful and hard as we negotiate 'close distance' again.


This West London Life said...

I'm so happy to have this happen for you! Wonderful news for both of you.

JO SOWERBY said...

I am so, so pleased for you both although it does mean you can't attend our blog meet up which makes me sad. But the overall feeling is great joy and that God's plan for you as individuals and acouple is coming to fruition.
Congratulations to you both and the end is in sight for long-distance. What a treat to see each other whenever you like. I am currently looking out some teaching books to see if they might help you both and if I have them they're yours
Jo xxx

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Fantastic news, Abi! Congratulations to you both! xo xo

Susanne said...

Yippee skippee! I am so happy for each of you and for the both of you! Congrats, congrats, congrats!

Karen said...

Fabulous news! Congratulations to both of you!

Mel said...

Such good news for you both. Let's just hope you don't get too bored of each other now - just kidding! x

Kirsty.A said...

soo pleased. Soo exciting. BTW you do know that teacher training is so full on you won't see each other anyway, don't you? Still passing on the stairs is better than not at all - and I have a feeling you two will make it work just fine

Lizzy Hill said...

Fabulous! Prayer answered in a stunningly spectacular fashion....hope the up closer is all you want it to be. Good luck for 2015 & esp for the teacher bizzo:):)

Anonymous said...

I totally thought the headline was a typo and then I read the post. Congratulations you two!

Alison said...

What great news...so pleased for you! Xx

scrappyjacky said...

So happy for you,Abi.

Anonymous said...

So happy for you both!

alexa said...

Well, I've just gone 'Wow-ee! and 'Whoopee!' and so delighted for you both! What a super present to get at this time of the year. Hoping you'll be able to feel settled and calmer now :).

debs14 said...

Hooray! So happy for you both!
Just recently I've had to say to both my 'kids' that sometimes you just have to put your trust in knowing that things will work out. If something is meant to be, then it will happen - and clearly you and the boy in the same place at the same time was definitely meant to be!

Beverly said...

Abi, I am so thrilled for you and The Boy! Both that you will be preparing for the careers you are called to and that you will be together. I am in awe of ya'll maintaining long distance for so long. The Pirate and Pirate Girl are sooo tired after 8 months. It seems he will be moving south before summer or as soon as he finds a job down there.

Miriam said...

What wonderful news this morning Abi! Congratulations to you both.

Sian said...

Sorry, I'm catching up after being away and reading only now. Wonderful. It'll be wonderful :)

Lizzie said...

Just catching up, Abi. So very pleased for you both! X

Anonymous said...

Just catching up after being away - that's fantastic! Congratulations to you both.