Special day in our house as the littlest one is now 14 and now not so little! Ah, he looks so grown up! 
Anyway, I thought I would do a quick tutorial on how to make a cascading photo card or wall hanging. It's very very easy and looks really effective. Also if you have little people I guess this would be a simple activity with a really nice result..
The finished hanging should look something like this: (sorry for the bad photos!)
1. Choose a selection of pictures. For a bigger choice of paper when you get round to making it, print the pictures in black and white, then you don't have to worry about clashing. I like my art to be symmetrical (personal preference!) so I chose the same number of portrait and landscape photos, but all landscape or all portrait would work just as well and in different sizes!
2. Matt the photos on cardstock. I used quite a big matt on each one. I kept to just two colours for continuity but again you can adapt this to suit you. You could even used patterned paper if your photos weren't too busy. 
3. As my hanging has a lot of busy photos I kept embellishments fairly minimal, just using some chipboard frames and patterned paper, alphabets and some handmade grungy circles. (Just layer up different sized circles and sand the edges before gluing together!) Again cos I like it to be symmetrical I alternated between the paper embellishment and the chipboard! 

4. Line your pictures up in the order you want them to hang, top to bottom. Get a whole punch or eyelet setter and punch two holes in the bottom of the first picture on either side. Place the next picture underneath and with a pen lightly mark the position of the holes so you know where to punch on the top of the second picture.
5. Get some pretty ribbon and thread it through the pictures, taping at the back. Continue punching and threading till you get to the end of the hanging. As you can see from mine, I adjusted where the holes where cos of some of the bulkier embellishments.
6. Finally Cut out squares of cardstock the same size as the matts and stick them on the back of the hanging to cover up the tape. I wrote a message on this as well! 
7. Fold the hanging up concertina style (it should do this easily cos of the ribbon) and then when you give it to someone they hold the top picture and the rest should cascade down! 
Hope you've all had a lovely day, back to skl tomorrow! hey ho! Thanks for stopping by!
Loves xxxxxxx
Yes, J's back to school on Monday morning. I hope you have a good journey back and enjoy the rest of the term (exams over now?).
Love the Birthday fairy-cakes and your brother looks like a young man now, not a little boy!
The wall hanging is lovely. Is it a present for the friend who features in the photos? If so she will love it! Very clever - yet so simple... all the best things come from a simple idea, well executed.
Well done Abi, nice to see you back in blog-land. xx
happy birthday smallest one. loving the cupcakes abi and the wallhanging is gorgeous. so simple. hope u are ready for the return to school. good luck with the revision and exams. not much longer now then summer hols
Jo xxxx
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