I have a new layout to share, exciting!!!! two in one week has to be a first for at least a year! eeep! anyway in response to the title..
If there is one thing that I would like to tell everyone then its BACK UP YOUR FILES.
Yesterday I put my memory stick in the USB port and it didn't register.
I thought "ugh oh!" double clicked on it and the heart stopping message came up..
" Your memory stick isn't formatted"
I had a minor argument with the computer at this point, assuring it that it was.
It then proceeded to tell me that if I carried on with formatting it " all data will be lost."
After a mad rush to the laptop in the hope that the home computer was just being weird, I realised that my memory stick may be dead.
My wonderful father after calming down his panicking daughter installed some data recovery software and we got some of it back.
I am just so thankful that one, all my photos were backed up on the home computer and two that it is the end of the year therefore all coursework on there and module images for photography have been handed in. What a blessing. I don't know what I would have done if it was the middle of the school year. The thought sends me out in a sweat! So...back up your stuff. EVERYTHING!
So, the layout. I dare you to look at this and not laugh...

It was a very easy layout to make. Compared to my normal style it hasn't got as much embellishing etc but I really like it. I made my own mist spray by mixing paint and water in an old body spray bottle! The photos on this layout are purely coincidence. In the second one my mum was just talking but it ended up looking like such a look of shock at by Dad kissing her. These photos always make me crack up cos it shows the lovely relationship my parents have but also captures some of the fun we have together as a family. Its the kind of picture that should have some victorian caption under it!
Will hopefully stop back soon with more crafty goodness!
Loves xxxx
Love the paint effect,Abi...a real fun layout. And know just what you mean about backing everything up!!
Hi Abi ~ Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog. Your blog is adorable and I just love your scrapbook style! Fabulous layouts!!! xo
wow what a fab LO abi. such amazing pictures of the parents, the kind of pictures my mum and dad do but usually my dad is pulling a silly face ;-)
Jo xx
You are one talented scrapbooker :) This is a gorgeous layout Abi
gorgeous layout!!!
Oh Abi, I so love your work :-) And I'm relieved for you that some of your files were saved! I do back up my files regularly but I'm off to do it again right now... xx
Beautiful job - what a wonderful moment to have captured.
Hi Abi, thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. Love your blog and this layout, you put some of us oldies to shame. Oh, and my computer is regularly backed up, living with an IT geek teaches you something! xx
Thanks for visiting my blog - your layouts are wonderful and your photography is great too. Off to back up my latest photos now!!
Love those photos, sweet and funny. And you've made a great layout with them, I love the butterflies on the right. x
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