25 January 2014

Let them drink tea

I have a little invitation for you.
On the 27th I will be popping the kettle on, pulling out my favourite mug and opening the biscuit tin.
I would love for you to join me for a cup of tea and a chat.

If you are new around here, welcome to my meme "Time for Tea". If you are an old friend, I can't wait to greet you again as we cradle our mugs and chat over this and that.

On the 27th I will be popping down the essays in favour of the blog post and will be sharing all about the goings on in this little world of mine. A Tea post doesn't have to be long, it can be a few sentences, a list, five words or a story.
Simply "what would you tell me if we were sitting down together having tea?"

Last year bloggers across the world joined over the virtual teapot, sharing laughter, loss, triumphs and simple everyday experiences. We always like to meet new faces and from experience this community is a very welcome one. Old friend or new you are so very welcome. 

There are three ways you can join in with time for tea...
1. Grab a cuppa, switch on the computer and sit and read my little ramblings and join in if you want in the comments
2. Do a tour around the world and visit a few of the lovely ladies who link up to the post and share their own hearts over a steaming brew on their blogs.
3. Write your own tea post. Long, short, funny, sad, we'll enjoy your company.

The linky will stay open for a week so you have plenty of time to join in. I am so looking forward to chatting away again. This month I'll be sharing about living back at uni, some crafty plans, general chit chat and my favourite topic, the weather! Hope to see you then.

Last years time for tea posts can be found here or in the sidebar.


Lizzie said...

Hello Abi! I'm having a quick "catch-up" in between house-cleaning jobs!
Would love to join in the cuppa-and-a-chat tomorrow... Mondays are very busy for me, but maybe I'll have a spare half-hour in the afternoon...
It sounds fun!

This West London Life said...

I'll be stopping by!

Unknown said...

Newbie Alert! Looking forward to stopping for a chat and a brew! :)

Beverly said...

Excited that I will be sharing my tea from a totally different locale!

alexa said...

Will be popping in - I wouldn't miss a chance for a cuppa with you for, well, all the tea in China (or India) :).