17 March 2014

On going on very long walks.

The boy was up in Durham this weekend and I was determined we would go on a walk.
We both love strolling along together, wellies on, coats flapping.
A few friends had mentioned the old priory north of the city and suggested that I visit it.
A cursory look at the map confirmed where it was and also that it was some distance.

The boy is a geographer. I am not. I think he grasped how far a nine mile walk was.
I didn't.
Thankfully he suggested we took a packed lunch. The resulting four hour walk though was just perfect. We knew that we might not make it all the way to the priory. Or at least he knew that. I was cheerfully optimistic!

We walked through woods, across the fields, past the category A prison which was a tad daunting and finally down the hill towards the priory.

The priory was beautiful but the company, now that was perfect! Hand in hand we chattered and joked and talked and walked in silence. We schemed and planned and dreamed and laughed together.
There is something about a long walk that lends itself to good conversation.

I am so thankful that he humoured my desire for this little adventure. I am also blessed that he knows me so well. As I pointed my camera up to capture the details of the priory he looked at me and said,
"photos and old things, they make a happy Abi don't they!"
They do, especially with him.


Miriam said...

Abi, this is such a beautiful post but the best thing is that your happiness shines right through. Oh! and the pictures are gorgeous. Love the B&W and the purple wellies.

Karen said...

Miriam captured it perfectly---your happiness shines through. A nine mile walk in wellies is a LONG walk!

Sian said...

Now, that is SOME walk! Well worth it for those lovely photos

furrypig said...

Beautiful photos Abi and what a great couple you are I love reading your stories

Lizzie said...

That is the kind of day that stays with you always, Abi. I had a very nice friend, in my late teens-early 20's, who lived in Gloucester. I visited a couple of time and we went on long walks too. I still remember the strolling and chatting, the great scenery, the exhilaration of reaching the destination, the feeling of being in good company. Happy!
So pleased to see you having such happy times together. Such lovely photos - such beautiful smiles!
(ps. I recommend walking boots, to avoid backache later! I've got a nice pair in size 5, which didn't fit me after all - I have stupidly narrow feet, shoes are a huge problem! Would you be able to use them - I don't mind posting?)

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

I know this place exactly. Lovely post with super photos. Jenx

alexa said...

What very beautiful photos and words ... This is a double scrapbooking page just waiting for a simple design, and it's done :).

Ruth said...

That was quite a walk ~ well done! You know, The Brainy One and I have our best chats when walking round the park together with the pooch, but without The Boy Child.

Lesley G said...

Oh how sweet, glad you had such a beautiful day :)

Sinead said...

Just gorgeous Abi, it sounds like such an adventure. Beautiful pictures of you and your man too, you look so happy together :D x

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Aw. I love this post, Abi! Love that you enjoy your time with the boy so much, and that the two of you took this adventure together. I LOVE the look of the priory - oh how I love old places like that! It's just fantastic, and your photos captured it so well.