Bit of a quick post cos I am at a friends house but just wanted to share a few piccy's we took!
This week has been good, the work has eased off slightly but all the teachers are now uttering that dreaded R word! Ahhhh not looking forward to an easter of revision but it's one of those things that once u start it is actually ok! Lol!
The last week of term is always crazy crazy cos we have a load of rounding up stuff to do and then clearing rooms, the trunks n tuck boxes come out!
Anyway the pics...
This girl is amazing! she straightned her hair for a party last night (it's normally really really curly so it was so nice to see it like this! Lol!) 
Silly poses! what more can I say....
Her Dad is real good at photography so we had some fun with jumping!
Witness the camera, I am such a scrapper! he he!

Such a fun day! Hope u all had a good weekend! Thanks for reading
Loves xxxxxx
That looks like such fun, Abi! Glad you're getting time to relax and enjoy yourself - "All work and no play...". I hope you enjoy your last, hectic week of term and have a relaxing (if revision filled) Easter Holiday.
Hope we'll "see" you around soon.
How can it be the end of term already!! That was fast. Lovely, happy photos just begging to be scrapped
Hiya Abi :-) Hooray for the end of term! Have a fab Easter break and don't work too hard x
loving the jumping pics............what beauties u girls are. enjoy the last week of term and speak in the easter hols. i hope
Jo xxx
Greast shots Abi ... good luck with the revision!
Love the pics,Abi......looks like you had great fun.Good luck with all the revision....but have some fun in your break as well.
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