16 December 2012

Simply a moment...

After two and a half months walking through the familiar heavy white door.
The lights are low and the christmas decorations twinkle. 
There is the smell of radiators and christmas food. 

I see a figure rising from the chair and  before I know it the littlest brother who isn't very little has wrapped me up in a huge hug. 

Home. That word sounds nice. I wheel the large and heavy bag into the hallway and race up the stairs.

My room is half empty, expectant. Fresh sheets and post piled up on the bed. 

I dump my bag and head back down into the warm kitchen. The kettle is already on the Aga, the cat slinks around my legs and the candles twinkle across the red tablecloth. 

I hear the front door open and then everyone is home, Mum and the middle one. The house is noisy with greetings and questions, with hugs and laughs. 

We shut the dark out and enjoy this moment. This moment with family.

This post is brought to you from the lovely Alexa's meme "simply a moment".  


debs14 said...

What a lovely moment to record Abi. Speaking as a Mum, I can tell you how important moments like this are when you have all your family home again under the same roof!

Ruth said...

Abi, you have described your moment brilliantly ~ I was right there with you.

alexa said...

I have loved reading and re-reading your moment - what a happy and special one to record! I hope you have a very happy time with all those people who are clearly delighted to see you! Thank-you so much for joining in.:)

humel said...

Welcome home, Abi! Enjoy your family time together :)

Sian said...

The smell of radiators - I really like this observation! And fresh sheets too..

Lou said...

aww a lovely moment to record xx

scrappyjacky said...

A lovely homecoming moment,Abi.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Wonderful and that last photograph is magical.

Miriam said...

Welcome Home Abi, your moment is so beautifully recorded and as a mum I know the same moment from 'the other side' and it is wonderful.
Merry Christmas Abi

Becky said...

A lovely moment - how wonderful to be home for Christmas and with your family, have a smashing time x