27 March 2014

Let's sit and have a cup of tea

Come in, come in.
I'm glad to see you have dodged the rain showers. As my mum would say peering at the sky, "it's looking black over Bill's mothers..."
Oh, that's it, dodge the suitcase, let me take your coat and make your tea.

If I was meeting you now I would sit you in the saggy red sofa and chatter away to you as I pulled out the pretty mugs and the teapot. I would laugh and point at the piles of things around the lounge and joke that you can't tell it's the end of term can you?! I'm getting ready to pack off and head home for the easter vacation. I think you would probably raise your eyebrows and say something along the lines of "already?" and I would respond, yes, can you believe it!

As I passed you the first steaming mug of tea and the plate of biscuits I would comment how fast this term has gone. How last year I found this term quite tough. Epiphany term is always the hard one in the university calendar. All essays submitted count towards your degree and there are a lot of them. It's normally dark and wet and cold and everyone has a lot on. Smiling though I would tell you that somehow this term was better than I expected it would be. The work happened, I kept smiling and we avoided snow. All good things!

Can you believe spring is upon us? You would look out of the window and see the rain bouncing off the pavement. Yes, it's hard to believe isn't it! Have you got plans for Easter? Cradling my mug, my eyes shining I would tell you about how exciting it always is to go home and see the family. I would tell you that I am excited to work on a project with my best friend. I am making her a quilt. Together we have chosen the material, a moda jelly shop roll, and we are planning how to cut it up and make it into something pretty to throw over her bed. Creating with friends is just the best.

If you had teenage children or maybe if you remembered your own student days you would probably ask me if this term consisted of revision. Yes, yes I'm afraid it does I would sigh as I poured myself a second cup of tea. Would you like one? Keep this under wraps but I do quite like revision! I think its the excuse to buy some nice stationery and organise work into pretty colours! I feel though I may be alone in this. Revision is always better when everyone else is working too though. Most of my friends are taking finals this year so there really is no excuse to work!

I would help myself to another biscuit and pass the plate over to you. "I need to finish them up", I would tell you. "you're doing me a favour eating them!" As we both enjoy blogging and crafting our topic of conversation would move onto this and I would sighing tell you that I have been doing less blogging this month but hope to change that over the holidays. It always ebbs and flows and after nearly five years at this little gig I have learnt to just go with it. The words will come when the time is right. Gosh, that sounded very philosophical. I would smiling tell you that despite the lack of blogging in these parts, the support from blog friends has been incredible. I am loving participating in the friendship quilt- Bev, your square will be on the way to you soon. I have signed up for a bloggers retreat in September so will maybe be sharing my cup of tea in person with some of you soon. I have also skyped a dear blog friend of mine, Sinead this week and am hoping a visit to see her in Ireland will happen in the not too distant future. Community is wonderful isn't it we would agree.

I would look up at the clock and with sadness in my voice tell you that I will have to be on my way soon. My train is waiting and I am anxious to do one more check around the house for those stray objects that will be forgotten. Thank you thank you for stopping by again. It is always wonderful to see you.

I would tell you to wrap up warm. The rain is still blowing in and there is a nip in the air. We would hug tightly at the threshold. "see you soon" I would call as you stepped onto the street. "definitely!" you would reply.

If you were having tea with me today, what would you tell me?

If you would like to write a "tea" post please add it to the linky at the bottom so we can all sit and share with you! The linky will be open for a week so you have plenty of time! 


This West London Life said...

You're quite right at what I might say ~ end of term already?? I wish you a wonderful break.
PS: did you see on Shimelle's FB page that someone is looking for a student who scrapbooks?

Unknown said...

Hope you have a fantastic Easter Break- You deserve to have some time off from all that studying:)

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ooh a bloggers retreat, now that sounds like lots of fun. Enjoy your Easter break and spending time with your family x I'll be linking up tomorrow.

Miriam said...

What a gorgeous catch up with you. I hope you have a lovely break with your family over Easter. I hope to link up later.

Sian said...

That quilt will be beautiful!

You know? if I'm honest, I quite like revision too. In some ways the hard work is done by the time it gets to that point. Best of luck with it! Only another week until our student is home here. he says he's looking forward to some home cooking.

Have a great Easter even if it does involve the books

scrappyjacky said...

Have a wonderful Easter back home,Abi.
I look forward to seeing that quilt.

debs14 said...

Oh Moda fabric - isn't it lovely? Can't wait to see that quilt once it is underway.
Hope you had a safe journey home, I know your family would have been counting down the hours to getting you back!

Julia said...

The fabric looks so scrummy for your quilt - enjoy crafting with your friend. Revising like mad in this house too as darling daughter has her mock GCSEs next week. Loved reading your post as always and enjoy your Easter hols (even if it doesn't seem possible they are here already!)

Becky said...

Hope you enjoy your break and that the revision doesn't take up too much time. Penny is lucky - she only has coursework on her degree, no exams. She does have to write a play and analyse it over Easter though!

Karen said...

Have a wonderful Easter holiday! We're off to spend a week or so in Chicago while Sarah is in California defending her comprehensive exams. She'll be back for Palm Sunday and we'll stay a few more days, but expect to be home for Easter Sunday. The colors you and your friend have chose for the quilt are just delightful!

ally said...

Happy Easter hols, great to catch up and can not wait to see what your create with moda

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Hi Abi ~ Thanks for the tea and biscuits {cookies to me} and the sweet catch up. Your excitement over your upcoming holiday shines through every line of this post! How exciting to have a quilting project to complete with a friend! :o) Enjoy your time away, and I'll look forward to hearing about it as you are able to post. Do take photos of that quilt!!!

Amy said...

We have one more week to go until our break starts - it can't come soon enough! Safe travels and enjoy the time spent with your family and The Boy :)

alexa said...

It's been just lovely to sit here with you, Abi, and hear your news - and you seem to have weathered this middle term very well indeed. I'm glad you have some nice things to do and some spoiling at home in view - and will The Boy be showing up too? Safe journeying and I look forward to reading all the news from home!

Sinead said...

Thank you so much for the tea today Abi - hoping that we'll be able to share a real cuppa in Ireland during the summer!! Keeping fingers and toes crossed...it'd be AMAZING!
I love the top photo and how you've got the pretty mugs in colour :) I hope you had a lovely journey home and are currently enjoying home comforts. I cannot wait to see that quilt that you are going to make with your best friend - please Instagram the progress! Hope the revision is going well.
We will definitely Skype again soon in the next few weeks. xxxxxxx

Prairie Jill said...

Ah, what a lovely visit! It's always fun to hear what you're up to. That quilt you're making with your friend is going to be gorgeous- I hope you'll post pictures of it when it's done!
Enjoy your holidays, and I look forward to seeing you again next month!

Jane said...

enjoy your break xx

Missus Wookie said...

Enjoy your break - I'm enjoying having Princess home for the month.

Louise Ingram said...

Hi, I've come to your blog after hearing you on the roundtable. Always great to hear another English accent talking scrapbooking! That jelly roll is gorgeous, do you know the name of it? I've been looking for something similar for my daughter.