9 March 2014

One photo & twenty words

My brother ran a half marathon down south. I followed on twitter up North. He raised £500. What a hero.
My challenge for you today. Find one photo and choose up to twenty words to tell its story. Jot it down and link back here. The link will stay open for a week so you have plenty of time to join in! 


alexa said...

Well done to him! A great achievement :).

Lesley G said...

Brilliant, well done to your brother and isn't technology just amazing!
Will be linking up later :)

Sian said...

Brilliant! That's a wonderful achievement

Barbara Eads said...

Love it Abi! And yore definition of "down south" must be the same as ours without the y"all!

Sheena said...

Well done to him x
Great amount raised too

furrypig said...

I have been watching the local half marathon today ... so impressive to see everyone putting in such an effort and well done to your brother... love the t shirt!

Unknown said...

Well done to him- and well done to you for showing such support and pride in only twenty words:)

This West London Life said...

Marvellous, what a fantastic achievement!

doris sander said...

that is so awesome! hooray for runners with big hearts!

Lou said...

oh wow ...well done to your brother! x

Nathalie said...

He's a hero to me for running that long!!! :)
Love this même and so happy to join in again! Thank you for the inspiration :)

Sinead said...

What an achievement for your brother - massive congrats to him! Love how you've captured your pride in just twenty words and that great photo :) And delighted I've got to join in this time. Hope all is well with you xxx

Alison said...

Well done to him,
Alison xx

Anonymous said...

What a great use of technology to keep up with his achievement.

debs14 said...

You must be so proud of him! What an achievement!

Maria Ontiveros said...

He's definitely a hero in my book!

Theresa said...

A hero indeed. Great photo and words.

Miriam said...

Definitely a hero in my books! Did he run in Bath?
Thanks for hosting this Abi.

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Great job to him!

scrappyjacky said...

Very well done to him.

Karen said...

Indeed he is!

Jane said...

what a star!!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

What dedication to have prepared for and ran in a marathon! And I see that you had 29 link ups this month. Awesome!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Well done that brother. I'm thinking it must have been the Bath Half. My SIL has run that a few times.