5 April 2014

On Spring time and cameras

A terrible fate has befallen the iPhone and i am phone camera-less for a little bit.
I trying to see it as a blessing in disguise though and intentionally picking up my big camera more rather than just forgetting the photo opportunity.

Last week Spring seemed to finally leak in to our little part of the world and I grabbed the SLR and tried to capture a bit of it.

I need to remind myself to take this camera out more. I always, always prefer the results.
A broken phone is not ideal, but what a blessing to have another lovely camera to play with!

Thank you to everyone who commented on my post or listened to the paperclipping roundtable broadcast. Your support has bowled me over. Thank you. 


Nathalie said...

Those are beautiful Abi! I LOVE the vase of daffodils on the inside taken from the outside! So unique and intimate! Love it! The blossoming tree is pretty in too! Lovely signs of spring :)

Amy said...

I must listen to the broadcast, I haven't yet.

I cannot agree more Abi, the results with a dSLR are always superior to phone camera shots! Yours are delightful today and the window shot reminds me of the recent young royal family shot that we saw down here last week.

Karen said...

I'm another fan of dSLR photos, and actually use my big camera a lot more than I do my iPhone. Habit, I guess. I'm also another fan of the gorgeous shot of the daffodils in the window!

Missus Wookie said...

I like using my big camera more than my phone but don't use it as much. Hope the iphone is mended soon and listening to the podcast is on my list for when I next get to scrap!

debs14 said...

It's almost as if fate was giving you a nudge to pick up that other camera!
Lovely photos, isn't Springtime glorious when the weather is bright and dry?

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures of the tree against the sky and the daffodils in the window. I haven't had a chance to listen to the podcast yet but will be off to do that shortly.

Cate Brickell said...

It's too hot for daffodils here in Queensland at the moment, so I'll gently drool over yours, and those cherry blossoms are simply stunning! Enjoy spring!

Barbara Eads said...

I, too, am guilty of relying on my iPhone for most of my photos these days. But your photos with your good, 'ol trusty camera are beautiful. Maybe I need to use mine more too!

Alison said...

Lovely pics, Abi...hope the IPhone issue is resolved soon though... And I shall go and have a listen to the podcast!
Alison xx

Sian said...

It doesn't matter what you take pictures with, I always want to look at them!

scrappyjacky said...

Love your signs of Spring.

alexa said...

These are stunning in their sharpness, Abi - and hope the phone situation will be sorted soon for you.

This West London Life said...

That first shot is superb! I think I'm unusual in that I hardly ever use my phone to take a photo. The dSLR for me, every time.

Miriam said...

There is something magical about the pink blossom against the blue sky. And nothing says spring more than a pretty pot of daffs. Gorgeous pictures Abi. Hope the phone comes back soon.

Lizzie said...

Ooo... blossom! How lovely.
Sorry about your iphone being poorly, but you're right about the chance to use your "real camera" instead, to take these great shots. You couldn't have captured the lovely details with an iphone camera. I'm so glad you did!
This seems to be a "cameras week", with me and Amy having new cameras and you rediscovering your SLR (and maybe having to buy a new phone-with-camera too).
Have a lovely week at home. Do lots of walking (?) X

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

So sorry to hear about your iPhone, Abi, but I'm glad you're taking this time to reconnect with your big camera. Your photos are beautiful. So lovely to see some blue skies where you are, and early signs of spring time!

Sinead said...

I loved the Paperclipping podcast Abi, finally got around to listening to it this week - it was brilliant! Well done you :D Love these photos, I know what you mean about getting reliant on the iPhone so it's good to get the big camera out! X

Lea Lacoste said...

thank you for that post, i need to remember to take my DSLR out more often too. it's nice sometimes to take a little more time before you snap a photo <3