29 September 2012

I'm on my way....

Today I head up North to the adventure that is University. 

I don't think I can really confine my thoughts and emotions to a simple blog post. Over the last few days I have been really thinking and praying into blogging over the next week. 

Blogging is a real comfort to me. I like to write, I like to think out loud and I love connecting with all of you. That said, blogging can bring a pressure to post and take photos. 

Therefore I have decided that just for the first week, just in freshers week I am going to be taking a blog break. I think it's important that I do this, that I invest my time into making new friendships, into finding a church and into making a life in Durham. If I blog during that first week it will be all too easy to slip away when things get tough and just stay in my room on my laptop. 

I am also aware that there will be bad days and I don't want my blog to just become my little sob story for the week! I hope you understand! 

I am planning on being back for Sian's Storytelling Sunday with plenty of tales to tell as well as popping by all your blogs to see what you are up to- I wouldn't want to miss all the fun! 

I will be checking my emails so if you want to contact me just click on my about page and my email is there. 

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support this last month as I make the transition into student life! I am so lucky to have such a supportive group of blog friends! 


This West London Life said...

I know that you will have an amazing time! Just remember to enjoy it!

Kirsty.A said...

Good luck. The first week will be challenging, but you will have so much fun to blog about. Enjoy your time in Durham

Karen said...

The best I can wish you, Abi, is that you will look back on your university years with as much satisfaction as I do mine (so many years ago.) Enjoy every minute this week!

scrappyjacky said...

Good luck,Abi.....I'm sure you're going to love uni.

furrypig said...

good luck I am sure you will have a blast xxx

debs14 said...

You are going to have a great time! So many new friends to make, and new experiences to enjoy. Have a great Freshers' Week, and we look forward to hearing about how you are getting on once you have time to sit down and draw breath again!

Sian said...

All the very, very best to you Abi as you start out on this fresh chapter x

Jennifer Grace said...

Good luck in your freshers week Abi! I hope you meet some wonderful new friends!

boysmum2 said...

All the very best, smile lots and just push yourself a little more each day. You will be fine

Katie said...

Best of luck for your 1st week and your new journey :-)

JO SOWERBY said...

hope u got there safe and sound and ur accomodation is good. my first day away from home was sad but gr8 too, which seems weird to say. Sad as I watched my family drive off back to Somerset and good because I met my new nursing group and made my two friends who did and have continued to be my friend to this day. I cherish letters and the chance to meet new people. I set aside time to write to my family and my lil sis would send letters of programmes I was missing when I was on late shifts. In fact I still have those letters and get them out to remind me.
I am sure ur first week will be fun, challenging and rewarding. You will meet new friends who will grow to love u as much as we do,
Jo xxxx

Megan said...

Abi- have an amazing, wonderful time. I will be praying xxx

Maria Ontiveros said...

Great, great quote!
Best of luck to you, and I'll see you next Sunday.

Lou said...

good luck Abi - i'm sure you will have an amazing time x

Sandie said...

Hi Abi, just popping over to introduce myself. It's my first visit and I love your posts, you are very talented! Hope uni is going well and that you have settled in & made some new friends. Looking forward to meeting you in March!

Jennifer Grace said...

I thought I'd commented on this post but it seems it didn't go through! I hope you're having a fabulous time at your start to Uni life!