7 September 2012

Tutorial- Instagram wall art

Hi friends

Today's post is part of my student makes series.

If you are a regular around here you will know that Instagram is a favourite of mine.
I love the photo sharing, I love the filters but I don't love having my pictures stuck on my phone.

I wanted to display them in some way but knew that they weren't the best quality to print out big. Therefore I printed them small and made a quick wall display...

Supplies needed: 
Instagram photos (As many as you like)
2 pieces of white A3 mount board or similar

Approx. Cost:
£4.00 to get 64 instagram photos (incl. postage)
£1.50 for 2 pieces of mount board.

1.To get my instagrams to a good size to print I started by creating some mini collages. I used pic monkey for this and simply used a four square grid and plugged my photos in.

I saved each collage I made into a separate folder.

2.To keep costs down I always order my photos online. The photos are great quality. There are some good deals out there if you keep your eyes peeled. I use photobox. I think I am right in saying that if you are a new customer they will give you free prints.

I uploaded each collage to the photo box site and selected the 4x6 prints. It is really important that you select the button scale to fit. It will centre the collage in the middle, so you will have some white space, but it does mean that your instagrams will be nice and square!

Because there are four instagrams on one photo as it were, the cost is very little. I think I only ordered 16 photos but that came to 64 instagrams. Bargain!

3. Once the photos arrived I trimmed them to their respective size, leaving a white border on each.

I wanted something clean and simple to display them on so picked up two A3 sheets of mount board. mount board is thicker than card but quite light so brilliant for taking to uni. It was also cheap!

4. I arranged the instagram photos into a grid. This is totally down to preference. I like this graphic way of displaying them but arranged in clusters could look really nice as well.

5. Once I was happy with the design I carefully glued each down with a dab of pritt-stick, making sure each photo was flush with the next. I wanted my design to run from one page to the next so made sure the photos all lined up.

6. Because I am a scrapper and because I can't bear not to include some pretty paper I added a strip to each page! I then added a simple caption to each side.

Simple and easy and cheap! The mount board is sturdy enough to stand up against a bookshelf but light enough to be blue tacked to a wall!



humel said...

Abi, this is lovely! As you say, great for taking to uni - very portable, and a lovely reminder of 'home', but it would also be a lovely project to do with kids to display in their bedroom, or as a gift (I'm thinking baby photos, for example - close-ups of hands, feet, etc!)

Also, this is very timely because just this week I learnt that I can get Instagram on my phone, which I hadn't realised!! So thank you, I shall definitely be giving this a go :)

Ruth said...

This looks amazing, very effective! And I bet, that once you've made friends at uni, they'll be asking you to make them boards as well.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Great job!

Beverly said...

It turned out fabulous, love that you can enjoy all those cute pics without having to scroll through your phone.

Milla Ling said...

Abi, I truly love your 'a student makes' series! It's really inspiring. :)