2 April 2014

Speaking on the Paperclipping Roundtable

Just for your entertainment dear friends here is a photo of me looking slightly crazed in my headphones just before I went 'on air". 

A few of you may have heard of the Paperclipping site and in particular the audio roundtable discussions that Noell hosts about scrapbooking. I had come across them a few times and when there were scrapbookers I knew about I tuned in.

Fast forward to last week and the lovely Ruth had noticed a post from Shimelle on Facebook asking on Noell's behalf for students who scrapbook. By the time I had found the post on Facebook both Shimelle and another friend had suggested me which was very flattering and maybe also a testament to the fact that student scrappers are still in the minority!

Fast forward to a few days ago when I received an email from Noell asking me if I wanted to participate in this weeks recording of the show along with her, Natalie Parker and you guessed it, Shimelle Laine. I nearly fell off my chair.

So Yesterday evening I strapped on my headphones, found my few scribbled notes and settled down to an hour and half of fun. Chatting on the roundtable was such a joy. All of the guests were friendly and excited about scrapbooking their student days and there was so much to talk about. The time simply few. As well as talk about project life I also got to plug the 'time for tea' meme which was such an opportunity.

And you know the best thing...I got to tell Shimelle that I started this little blog through her course. Things have come full circle.

So if you would like to hear me sound very British and a tad awkward but also chat excitably about uni, which is what I do here nearly every day, hop on over to the paperclipping blog!

Thank you so much Ruth for making me aware of this and thank you Noell for letting me come on the show.


Sian said...

Fantastic! I'm going to make time to listen to this tomorrow - really looking forward to hearing you :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, haven't commented before but have been enjoying reading your blog for a while. Congrats on being invited to Paperclipping, I look forward to listening to that episode. Always great to hear British scrappers and digi too!

Ruth said...

Hooray!! I'm so glad you followed it up and I'll be listening in very soon!

Kirsty.A said...

Wow! Congratulations. I've never listened to these, though I've read about them. Will see if I can find it

debs14 said...

Congratulations! I just popped over there and listened to the first part! I love hearing people's voices, and hearing if they sound like I expected. I met Shimelle a few years ago when Karen arranged for her to teach a class at the EK crop. It felt like meeting a celebrity!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh this is fantastic, Abi! Congratulations on being included - very well deserved I might add. I will definitely give a listen...

Julia said...

OMG Abi! I listen to this every week. Very excited now about listening to the next episode!! Well done you x

Clare said...
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Clare said...

It was Me! It was me! I have followed you and your lovely blog for three years or so now and thought immediately of you!
So pleased to hear you were asked and I know I'm pleased to be able to listen to you and my Scrappy Idol (Shimelle) together! X

Abi said...

Thank you so much Clare! I feel very honoured! and hello Naomi, so good to hear from you!

Sinead said...

ABI!! So thrilled for you and very proud... I feel like a know a celebrity!! I listen to the Paperclipping Roundtable every now and again (usually when Shimelle is on it!). I did a double take today when I saw Shimelle posted about recording the show on Facebook and your name was in the credits! YOU ARE AMAZING! Can't wait to listen to it now xxxx

Lizzie said...

Squeal!! You're famous now... I know someone famous!! Hehe.. But seriously, how fab for you! I can't listen to the round table tonight, but I will try to make time for it tomorrow - it sounds interesting and I want to hear what Abi sounds like too!
Well done to you!

Anonymous said...

So lovely to meet you, Abi, and I loved hearing your perspective. I also love your design style and can't wait to see more of your layouts!

-- Natalie

Karen said...

How exciting! You're a perfect choice for this! Off to listen.

furrypig said...

So glad you did it I read it and thought of you and then relaised someone had already mentioned you... will definitely have to listen... well done Abi!

scrappyjacky said...

Wow Abi....that's great.....will take a listen.

Lea Lacoste said...

soooo cool! love their podcast, i'm off to download it right now!!!

Jane said...

have been on and listened, sounds like you had fun xx

H said...

Full circle continues - I have just come over to your blog after listening to you on PRT! Good to hear a British scrapbooker on there (I'm in Bristol), and I'm excited to look at your pages. I already read Natalie's blog and watch Shimelle's videos but I scrap digitally too so hoping to get some ideas from you! Heather

Clare said...

Thought you were fab, Abi. Really interesting episode and some great suggestions that have inspired me to scrap my Uni photos - ancient history that I will have to dig for!

Susanne said...

How fun for you and for us. I'll put it on the next time I'm in the studio. Can't wait to hear your voice.

Miriam said...

Your were great Abi and sounded exactly like I thought you would! Congratulations!

Sandra said...

Oh I'll make sure I listen

alexa said...

I've put it on my list! Well done and many congratulations :).

Megan said...

I enjoyed listening to you on the Roundtable and am kind of jealous how you are getting to scrapbook your University years as they happen! Wish I could go back in time and do the same. Your pages are beautiful!